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Narrative by Lerlene Womble Ward


On August 20, 1888, Mr. Royston, Harris, Graham, and Mays were the first directors elected to the Round Rock Cemetery Association.


The first directors bought the first parcel of land from Mr. Weaver, Kincheloe and Archer, for $81.00.


The second parcel of land was bought from L. M. Mays and J. W. Black on October 22, 1889.


The third parcel, joining the other two, was bought, November 4, 1889, from Thomas and Bettie Smith, for $15.00. This parcel is the south end of the Cemetery.


Grave markers prove there were many graves on the first parcel of land before the land was bought. The oldest marker, with a visible date is 11 year old Angeline Scott Died July 31, 1851. Including Angeline, there are 11 graves with Seay, Cluck, Newson, Rowe, Blair, Asher, Mays, and Oatts, buried in the 1850's.


In the 1860's, we have 46 visible markers with Mays, Ashers, Weavers, Oatts, and Harrell listed on some of them. In 1862, the first Mrs. John D. Robertson was laid to rest here. To date, December 1982, Round Rock still has a Mr. and Mrs. John D. Robertson living here. The Robertson family has 21 graves in the Round Rock Cemetery.


There were 67 people buried in the 1870's. Some of the names are Mays, Allen, Simmons, Cox, Aten, Tisdale and Hurt. The Tisdale family has 20 graves in the Cemetery.


In 1977, Mr. W. E. Cox from Bartlett, Texas, came to the Cemetery to see the Cox graves. Mr. W. E. Cox's father W. T. Cox married Bettie Smith August 5, 1877, at Round Rock. Bettie died in 1878 and was buried beside three children in Round Rock. Mr. W. E. Cox was 90 years old at the time of his visit in 1977. He later sent letters with dates, about his family.


July 21, 1878, the Bank robber outlaw, Sam Bass was shot by Texas Rangers in Round Rock, died two days later and is buried in the north west corner of the Cemetery.


In the 1880's, Briggs, Williams and Carrington names were among 103 graves. In the 1890's, Blacks, Jackson, Cunningham, Holliways, Lovings, and Mayfields were among 84 graves.


Civil War Veterans buried in the Round Rock Cemetery are:


George W. Allen 5-21-1840 to 5-19-1911

M. D. Arledge 8-27-1830 to 7-7-1910

Jacob Awalt 10-7-1822 to 1908

William Layfette Bird 1824 to 1901

James Blackman 1786 to 1870

David Blair 1-15-1812 to 10-28-1896

B. T. Bowmer 6-1-1836 to 2-18-1872

T. M. Brown 7-29-1812 to 3-16-1875

J. L. Durrett 9-4-1827 to 1-29-1888

Thomas Caldwell 3-24-1812

J. A. Catterton 9-27-1825 to 2-8-1865

William Berry Crutcher 12-19-1817 to 12-30-1876

Barge Daily 1840-1921B. L. Dalton 5-11-1819 to 9-1-1895Charles Dodge 1825 to 1900

J. A. Ducar 1840 to 1903

Paul Fahner 1-25-1822 to 2-17-1898

D. Fause 11-17-1843 to 12-24-1923

W. B. Gorde 2-8-1836 to 7-22-1914

John W. Gray 8-1-1841 to 7-11-1931

A. W. Grimes 7-5-1850 to 7-19-1875

W. J. Gunn 3-24-1843--12-25-1867

John C. Halton 3-16-1827 to 3-18-1902

F. M. Harrell 1-22-1835--12-11-1919

Rev. Edward Hudson-, Chaplain 7-12-1837 to 8-17-1877

Rev. John E Hudson 10-12-1831 to 2-22-1914 / Chaplain and brother to Edward.


Spanish American War veterans were:


Samuel E. Loving 4-20-1868 to 3-7-1953

Aaron Bradley 8-15-1871 to 1-18-1954


Markers show there are 14 World War 11 Veterans buried in the Cemetery.


Charles E. Barnett 4-20-1881 to 2-13-1954

Curtis B. Fause 11-9-1888 to 7-3-1955

Merrell M. Jester 7-21-1891-2-10.-1959

William A. Trusdel Jr. 3-26-1889 to 8-19-1968

Roy Eric Ross 12-15-1893--9-21-1957

William 0. Awalt 6-1864 to 6-10-1927

Albert Lee Dedear 3-20-1894 to 1-23-1947

Walter Robey 9-12-1898 to 10-10-1918

Vernon Day 2-18-1892 to 10-31-1964

Joseph B. Jester 9-20-1896 to 9-19-1967

Marion Francis Womble 7-15-1895 to 7-28-1943William

M. Simmons 8-28-1913 to 3-5-1975

Victoriano C. Pena 12-11-1924 to 11-28-1963

Bill L. Kavanaugh 4-14-1916-9-24-1963


Veteran Loyd William Everts 11-9-1932 to 2-13-1951, severed in the Korea war.


November 11, 1977, The Round Rock American Legion, George Johns Post 447, donated a flag pole and flag to the Round Rock Cemetery Association. This gift was presented in honor of all the Veterans buried in the Cemetery.


Medial Doctors buried in the Cemetery are:


A. McDonald 8-7-1834 to 6-30-1886

Thomas Hail 3-19-1786-4-11-1882

J. C. Black Died 6-11-1869 Age 49

Josoph A. Holloway 9-29-1852 to 7-19-1915

J. W. Jenkins 8-15-1832 to 6-2-1904


The north west corner of the Cemetery has always been the Slave section of the Cemetery. From 1977 to 1980, several Clubs and Organizations of the Round Rock community worked together to restore the Slave section. They erected a sign and built a walk. May 7, 1980, a Historical Marker was placed near the sign. There are many unmarked graves.


Names on some of the markers are: Blair, Casey, Caldwell, Williams, Wilson, Oats, Melchobia Harris, Louisa Gault, Bowner, Kincheloe and Johnson. The fact that these same names appear on some of the white graves in the other part of the Cemetery, would indicate that some of the slaves took their owners name.


One unusual marker in the Cemetery reads, In memory of Mary Ann Lavender- Died Feb. 30, 1870, Age 40 years.


The Round Rock Cemetery has been maintained, through the years, by membership fees and donations. There is no way to tell how much volunteer work has been done.


Two outstanding people are Walter and Mamie Biel. They served many years as director and officers of the Association. Their many years of love and labor to the Cemetery will always be remembered by the Association.


Honor and credit should go to all the past directors. Some of them are, L. O. Ramsey, J. W. Ledbetter, Mrs. L. O. Brady, W. E. Henna, S. L. Landrum, Walter Biel, Harry Robertson, and Mrs. Viola Webb.


Footnote – Mrs. Ward passed away in 2007, she also should be honored and credited for her part in the continuing effort to preserve this sacred ground where the remains of many souls have been interred.

© 2014 Historical Round Rock Cemetery.

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